Beautiful Resistance features contemporary Native American artists sharing their views on the devastating effects of the boarding schools on Native...
Powerfully portraying the harsh realities of street life and the loss of innocence faced by many inner-city children, Cadillac Dreams is a compelling...
Through candid discussions with immigrant families from ten countries, both teachers and students get a unique insight as to why people immigrate to...
Humor and sketch comedy combine to engage the viewer in a serious process: learning how to recognize and avoid stereotypes with people of diverse...
The real life story of how children's librarian Clara Breed became a hero to Japanese American youth as she spoke out against the injustice of...
In the African nation of Malawi, one in three sexually active adults is HIV positive. People are dying of AIDS at an alarming rate, yet almost no one...
The Gullah culture evolved with the transportation of African slaves to the Sea Islands of South Carolina, Georgia and Florida. This program presents...