In an age of widespread fear of sexually transmitted diseases, this film talks openly, even entertainingly, to adolescents about sex through a...
This wrenching documentary, narrated by Ossie Davis, follows the lives of teenage Danny and his younger brother Raymond as they cope with their...
Documentary that begins with an intimate look at a 80-year-old independent school, then visits eight public schools around the country (pre-school...
Comprehensive course for instructors with wilderness experience who are authorized to teach CPR, AED and basic first aid. The program meets the Boy...
In this motivating film you will see a crew of individual sailors who are successful because of their mutual trust, respect, and willingness to...
In this dramatic video, a young police officer taken hostage by an inmate recalls and successfully applies the dos and don'ts he learned in training.
Award-winning docudrama dramatizing the debate which surrounded Virginia's ratification of the U.S. Constitution. Demonstrates why the ideas behind...
Your Amazing Body is a simple and entertaining series of seven programs designed to teach children about their bodies. These programs cover the...
Your Amazing Body is a simple and entertaining series of seven programs designed to teach children about their bodies. The Immune System focuses on...