11 Films by Dan McLaughlin is an interactive DVD featuring eleven short films by filmmaker Dan McLaughlin, head of the world-renowned UCLA Animation...
This all-new production from the producer of Friend for Life offers young viewers complete and up-to-date information on welcoming a new pet into the...
There are over three million cases of child abuse in this country each year, two million of which are never reported.
This program is ideal for...
Burgess Meredith recites a thoughtful selection of poems by Robert Frost in this perceptive and incisive commentary on the life and work of a great...
MDMA, more commonly known as Ecstasy, remains one of the most used and abused of today's designer drugs.
THE AGONY OF ECSTASY separates fact from...
An allegorical film in which the mind is represented as a house inhabited by six emotions that stop the mind from coping with life: Loneliness, Fear,...
The dangers of drinking and driving are examined in this video that helps young drivers realize they must take responsibility for their own safety...
Narrated by Orson Welles, this is the dramatic record of one of the most spectacular feats of bravery and skill in mountaineering history. The film...
Designed to help individuals recognize their own problems with addiction, this animated documentary explores alcoholism and substance abuse. One of...
Combining history and geography, this program places key events in the Revolutionary War within a geographic frame of reference, enabling students to...
Through animated maps, viewers can visualize a brief history of Latin America, Mexico and the Texas Revolution, as well as the causes and progress of...
The study of World War I is essential to understanding the course of the 20th Century and the world we live in today. With World War I, America...
Robots on an automotive assembly line do a delicate dance to classical music as showers of welding sparks punctuate their programmed performance.
BASIC FILM TERMS: A VISUAL DICTIONARY was one of the first films to be produced primarily for the teaching of film technique and film appreciation in...
Saul Bass talks about the evolution of his thematic title sequences that open and close many of the great productions of a whole generation of...
Beautiful Resistance features contemporary Native American artists sharing their views on the devastating effects of the boarding schools on Native...
A four-part series designed to supplement teaching of current and future nurses in the area of PEDIATRIC NURSING. Pediatrics is one branch of...
Neotates, Infants & Toddlers: Program 1: Discusses the characteristics of these early developmental stages, including the physiological differences...
Preschoolers Program 2: This program focuses on preschool aged children covering the developmental and physiological characteristics unique to this...