Bitter Pills: Prescription Drug Abuse


Producer:  Brain Trust Films

Year: 2005

Format: DVD  Running time: 22 mins.



Prescription drug abuse is the most widespread substance abuse problem today. Such drugs are readily available and perceived as "safe" because doctors prescribe them. Our society promotes prescription medication as a solution to all of life's problems, but while they are helpful for those with a medical condition, prescription drugs can create a world of suffering for those who misuse them. Bitter Pills takes a revealing look at the lives devastated by the epidemic of prescription drug abuse. Recovering addicts - many of whom are of school age - describe the physical and emotional trauma they have endured, while a district attorney lays out the legal consequences that await those caught with illicit prescription drugs. Drug counselors, themselves recovered addicts, detail the ways dependence and tolerance can lead to addiction and possibly a fatal overdose, then explain how to get help.


This honest, in-your-face documentary takes the viewer to the streets, leaving a powerful and lasting impact on all who experience it - hopefully saving lives in the balance.


Part of the "STREET SCENES" series, hosted by Hip Hop Artist "The Q"



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